How to quickly create a virtual env for Python on Linux: sudo apt install python3-pip to be sure that pip is installed. pip3 install virtualenv to inst...
How to remove old snap versions on Ubuntu to free up disk space. To see what snap volumes are currently mounted: mount | grep snap or snap list --all (thanks to ...
wl -i eth[1|2] txpwr1 - shows TX power. Example: wl -i eth1 txpwr1 TxPower is 127 qdbm, 31.75 dbm, 1496 mW Override is Off
How to configure DNS, for email delivery through a custom domain, so that the emails do not end up in the spam folder and look more trust-worthy. 1. MX (mail exchanger) record - specif...
Problem: When connecting to other Wi-Fi networks after eduroam, all the websites from domain do not seem to load (ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLV...
Git Basic git commands that might be useful: git checkout <branch name> switches to a branch or creates a new one git pull --rebase p...
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*Test note.* To make it a little easier, let's define the opposite of normal. What is not normal? When a person is fully aware of their actions (and all the possible consequences in a part...